Affiliated with CISCE BOARD. Projected Affiliation with CIE Board


Co-curricular Program

Visual and Performing Arts

Arts are an important medium of expression and communication. Arts are identified as Visual Art & Craft, Dance, Drama & Music.

The objectives of the Arts Education Program at Redbricks School are defined as below.
The Arts Education Program aims to-
Uphold children's right for education focusing on overall development, and participation in cultural and artistic life
Develop and enhance the individual creative potential of each child
Create sensitivity and appreciation towards arts in children
Encourage children to create, express and communicate through the arts
Use arts as a medium to develop creative and systems thinking skills in children
Promote children's development across all the areas- cognitive, language, social, emotional, spiritual & creative- through the medium of arts
Encourage children to apply their Ideas, in order to find creative solutions & develop innovations across a variety of fields/domains
Enhance an understanding in children about the role and evolution of arts throughout history & society (Indian and Global)
Enhance an understanding in children about various cultures and diversity through the lens of art (Indian and Global)
Help children understand about Arts as a field and profession
Acquire media skills and processes necessary for life-long artistic learning and application
In learning each Art form, children learn the following-
Knowledge (Elements of Art, Principles of Design, Art History-Indian and Global, etc.)
Values (Emotions & Meanings associated with Art)
Skills (Art Forms, Art Techniques, Inquiry, Research and Processing, Communication Skills)
We teach Arts through two approaches- 1) as an Independent area and 2) as Integrated with other academic subjects.
The Art program at Redbricks is planned in a stage-wise manner according to the age of children.
In the early primary years, the focus is on children exploring a multitude of mediums and skills in the Arts. Their creativity and imagination is fostered through unstructured activities along with structured ones.
In the middle school years, the focus shifts slightly to children developing expertise and skills in few focused areas. They are now introduced to more and more structured activities to learn particular techniques.
In the high school years, the children are then prepared to make further choices to develop expertise in a particular art form or technique under the guidance of experts.

An Overview of the Art Forms and Skills Learnt by Children

Visual Art & Craft
Colours & Painting
History of Design
Vocal Music
Instrumental Music
Classical Dance Forms (Bharatnatyam)
Non – Classical Dance Forms
Folk Dance Forms
Theater Techniques
(e.g. Reading & Writing Scripts, Stage Productions,
Listening, Choreograph, Direction, etc.)
Visual Inquiry Skills
(e.g describe, analyse, interpret, evaluate)
Research & Processing Skills
(e.g. observe, record, compare, organise, discern)
Communication Skills
(e.g. Express ideas visually through gestures and
body movements and Verbally)
Our Educational Initiatives
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